Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility Courses
AUS-MEAT Accreditation
Animal Welfare Auditing
Animal Welfare Officer Skill Set
Beef Specification
Chiller Assessment
Meat standards Australia grading
Quality systems accreditation (NPE)
Retail ready product specification
Sheep Specification
Standards Officer Training
Auditor Training
Food Safety & Haccp
Food safety supervisor - Food processing
HACCP refresher (General)
Internal auditor
Introduction to food safety
Principles and applications of HACCP
Meat processing Qualification
Certificate II Meat Processing (Abattoirs)
Certificate II Meat Processing (Food Services)
Certificate III Meat Processing
Certificate III Meat Processing (Boning Room)
Certificate III Meat Processing (Food Services)
Certificate III Meat Processing (Packing Operations)
Certificate III Meat Processing (Slaughtering)
Certificate III Meat Safety Inspection
Certificate IV Meat Processing
Certificate IV Meat Safety Inspections
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility for Business
Leadership, Accountability and Social Compliance in the Meat Processing Industry
Social Compliance Auditor Training
Meat Standards Australia
Conduct pH/Temperature declines in beef carcases
Meat Science
Meat standards Australia grading
MSA - Independent Boning Rooms
MSA Beef Eating Quality Training
MSA Sheepmeat Eating Quality Training
MSA Slaughter Floor Grading
Animal Welfare
Animal Welfare Auditing
Animal Welfare for Saleyards
Animal Welfare Handling
Animal Welfare Officer Skill Set
National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme
Meat Messaging

Corporate Social Responsibility for Business
This two (2) day course which can either be done face to face or virtually using Microsoft Teams and is designed to give participants knowledge and skills of Social Compliance requirements for business.

Leadership, Accountability and Social Compliance in the Meat Processing Industry
Corporate social Responsibility (CSR) is an emerging issue for business to understand and this course is designed to educate and upskill participants in the necessary requirements of CSR. It focuses on leadership and accountability and combines a mixture of knowledge and practical tasks for participants to complete.

Social Compliance Auditor Training
This is a 2-day course which can either be done face to face or virtually using Microsoft Teams. It is delivered by an APSCA certified auditor and has been approved by APSCA as an approved training course for auditors seeking to meet their minimum CPD hours.